
Showing posts from September, 2011

Here's to the start of Halloween Season!

If there is one thing in my life that has always giving me joy, happiness and tons of candy, it's Halloween! My spirits always brighten when October comes around. Having a crafty mom who took immense pride in creating home-made costumes for my brother and I. My favorite were clown costumes she made for us when we were about 3 and 4 years old [picture coming soon]. As I got older, I found that I'd inherited my mothers party planning genes and throwing a good old fashioned Halloween party is, to this day, my favorite activity all year. For me, Halloween has always been a time spent with friends and family. Everyone, both young and old get's to dress up as whomever (or whatever) they choose. When I have children, I hope to pass along the fun spirit of Halloween they my mom passed to my brother and  me.